Our Mission

Empowering Northern Colorado Youth Through Scouting

At Friends of Northern Colorado Scouting, we are committed to fostering growth, character development, and community engagement for the youth in Northern Colorado. Our mission encompasses the following key objectives:

  • Chartering and Developing Scouting Units: We work tirelessly to establish and support scouting units, providing a safe and enriching environment where young individuals can learn valuable life skills, leadership, and teamwork.
  • Community Education About Scouting: We believe that knowledge is power and our goal is to raise awareness about scouting within northern Colorado communities. Whether it’s parents, educators, or local leaders, everyone has a role to play in shaping the future of our youth.
  • Youth Character Development: Our ultimate goal is to nurture well-rounded individuals with strong character. Through Scouting activities, community service, and mentorship, we instill values such as integrity, responsibility, and compassion. We believe that these qualities will serve our youth well throughout their lives.

Join us in our mission to create a bright future for northern Colorado’s next generations!

For any questions or to make a donation please contact [email protected].